What Is a Dental Emergency?
The two most common categories which are likely to result in patients being deemed to require emergency dental care are visible damage to the teeth and/or mouth, or sudden severe pain stemming from in or around the mouth.
Do you have a dental emergency?
Please call your practice during practice opening hours. If you don’t have their number to hand, use our emergency contact page. We will ensure emergency patients are seen quickly. We can normally offer you an appointment within 24 to 48 hours, however appointments are subject to our availability on the day.
Outside of practice hours, please call the out of emergency number 0333 332 3800. call NHS 111 to find an out-of-hours dental service near you.
My child has knocked out a tooth. What should I do?
Is it a baby tooth?
Don’t worry. Permanent teeth will eventually grow in to the space, and it is unlikely the tooth will need to be re-attached It is important, however, that you still make an appointment to see us, as your dentist may need to fit a space saver to prevent neighbouring teeth moving into the space.
Is it a permanent tooth?
Contact us immediately to request an emergency appointment. By following the instructions below you will improve the chances of saving the tooth.
- Rinse the tooth with milk or salt water
- Don’t scrub or brush the tooth
- Place the tooth back into the socket and ask your child to bite down onto a tissue to hold it in place
- If you can’t place the tooth back into your child’s socket, store it in a container filled with milk or your child’s own saliva.